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Norte ClassGraduation NameContact StatusUpdate
PictureClass of 1968 (373)Have 40 Missing 322
Yolanda Abbott: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Yolanda AbbottWe need:
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Mary Ackerman: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Mary AckermanWe need:
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Grace Allred: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Grace AllredWe need:
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Louise Almenderiz: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Louise AlmenderizWe need:
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Mark Almquist: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Mark AlmquistWe need:
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Sally Amaro: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Sally AmaroWe need:
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Larry Anderson: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Larry AndersonDeceased  
Maggie Andrews: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Maggie AndrewsWe need:
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Christi Assad: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Christi AssadWe need:
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Katy Avery: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Katy AveryWe need:
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Sally Bailey: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Sally BaileyWe need:
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Eugene Baker: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Eugene BakerSend a messageUpdate our files?
Jackie Baker: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Jackie BakerWe need:
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Tom Barandas: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Tom BarandasSend a messageUpdate our files?
Paula Barraza: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Paula BarrazaSend a messageUpdate our files?
Tony Barros: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Tony BarrosWe need:
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Dennis Bastio: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Dennis BastioSend a messageUpdate our files?
Armando Basurto: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Armando BasurtoWe need:
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Larry Beasley: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Larry BeasleyWe need:
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Jerry Beilby: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Jerry BeilbyWe need:
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Charles Bell: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Charles BellWe need:
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Dennis Beller: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Dennis BellerWe need:
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Anne Berg: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Anne BergWe need:
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Tim Berg: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Tim BergWe need:
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Jean Berkstresser: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Jean BerkstresserSend a messageUpdate our files?
Gary Berst: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Gary BerstWe need:
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Robin Bettencourt: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Robin BettencourtSend a messageUpdate our files?
Terry Bickum: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Terry BickumDeceased  
Howard Bingley: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Howard BingleyWe need:
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Mildred Bishop: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Mildred BishopWe need:
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Jim Bixler: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Jim BixlerWe need:
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Sharon Borg: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Sharon BorgWe need:
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Ron Bowers: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Ron BowersWe need:
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Bill Brand: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Bill BrandWe need:
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Elena Broderick: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Elena BroderickSend a messageUpdate our files?
Luanna Brooks: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Luanna BrooksWe need:
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David Brown: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.David BrownWe need:
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Craig Buck: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Craig BuckWe need:
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Gary Buys: class of 1968, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Gary BuysWe need:
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