Application for Membership |
You are invited to become a member of the Grant Union High School Alumni Association. This is a nonprofit organization composed of graduates, former students, faculty, and friends of the Grant Union High School.
Our goals include a scholarship program to encourage students to further their education, to keep in touch with their classmates, to preserve historic items and artifacts, and to support school activities.
Here are additional reasons why you should become a member:
We are particularly proud of our scholarship program. The Association awards a number of scholarships each year to graduating seniors. The scholarships are funded from dues paid to the Association and other donations. The Association also manages special trust funds for scholarships.
A museum for the preservation of artifacts and documents is maintained by the Association and is located on the school campus.
Reunion Information:
The Association maintains computers for class listings and provides other services for class reunions.
Special Events:
Occasionally plans are made for special events like a golf tournament or a dinner/dance. The cost is is borne by the participants.
Membership Dues:
The regular dues are $10.00 per year. This is a very nominal amount, and the purposes for which the money is used is very worthwhile. Special memberships are available for larger donations.
Member Privileges:
Members receive a GUHSAA Newsletter four times a year. They are eligible to vote for and/or become a candidate for the Board of Directors. The Board meets the 2nd Tuesday of every other odd numbered month. The general membership meeting is held in May.
Our Alumni Association works hard to maintain the rich history and tradition that is Grant Union High School in order to preserve it for future generations. We hope you will join us in this worthy endeavor.
Please complete the attached application and send it with your remittance to the address listed. Direct any questions to info@guhsaa.org