Last name starts with: A‏-‏B  C‏-‏D  E‏-‏G  H‏-‏K  L‏-‏M  N‏-‏R  S‏-‏T  U‏-‏Z   New yearHelp
Grant ClassGraduation NameContact StatusUpdate
PictureClass of 1953 (380)Have 147 Missing 79
IRENE LA FOND: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.IRENE LA FONDWe need:
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JO JEAN LAMBERT: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JO JEAN LAMBERTDeceased  
LEONARD LAMBERT: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.LEONARD LAMBERTDeceased  
Camera ShyJAMES LAMMWe need:
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VERLE LAND: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.VERLE LANDDeceased  
SUZANNE LANDRETH: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.SUZANNE LANDRETHDeceased  
JANICE LANGLEY: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JANICE LANGLEYDeceased  
LOWELL LARDIE: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.LOWELL LARDIEDeceased  
MARY LARKINS: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.MARY LARKINSWe need:
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DONNA LAWSON: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.DONNA LAWSONSend a messageUpdate our files?
GERALDINE LE FOR: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.GERALDINE LE FORDeceased  
BARBARA LEAF: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.BARBARA LEAFDeceased  
JOE LEAVITT: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JOE LEAVITTDeceased  
DON LEE: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.DON LEEDeceased  
JANYCE LEE: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JANYCE LEESend a messageUpdate our files?
WILLIAM LEE: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.WILLIAM LEEDeceased  
GERALD LEFOR: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.GERALD LEFORSend a messageUpdate our files?
Not availableDON LENZIWe need:
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GEORGE LEUNENBERGER: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.GEORGE LEUNENBERGERSend a messageUpdate our files?
ANN LINDSAY: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.ANN LINDSAYSend a messageUpdate our files?
DOROTHY LINDSEY: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.DOROTHY LINDSEYDeceased  
ROGER LIVSEY: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.ROGER LIVSEYWe need:
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ROBERT LLOYD: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.ROBERT LLOYDDeceased  
MABEL LO GRECO: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.MABEL LO GRECOWe need:
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JAMES LONG: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JAMES LONGDeceased  
PEGGY ANN LONG: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.PEGGY ANN LONGWe need:
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LAVERNE LOPEZ: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.LAVERNE LOPEZWe need:
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CAROL LOSER: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.CAROL LOSERDeceased  
SHIRLEY LYON: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.SHIRLEY LYONWe need:
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LA VITA LYONS: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.LA VITA LYONSWe need:
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CHARLES MAC CRONE: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.CHARLES MAC CRONESend a messageUpdate our files?
DON MALONE: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.DON MALONEWe need:
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JOY MARCOM: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JOY MARCOMWe need:
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BARBARA MARKER: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.BARBARA MARKERDeceased  
Not available.RONALD MARKHAMDeceased  
DONNA MARKS: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.DONNA MARKSWe need:
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DON MARTIN: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.DON MARTINDeceased  
Camera ShyJOAN MARTINWe need:
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LEROY MASON: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.LEROY MASONWe need:
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LARRY MATHEWS: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.LARRY MATHEWSWe need:
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SHIRLEY MAY: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.SHIRLEY MAYWe need:
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SHIRLEY RUTH MAY: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.SHIRLEY RUTH MAYWe need:
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DARLENE MAYER: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.DARLENE MAYERWe need:
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MILES MC CARROLL: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.MILES MC CARROLLDeceased  
MARILYN MC CLELLAN: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.MARILYN MC CLELLANWe need:
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BILLIE Mc DONALD: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.BILLIE Mc DONALDDeceased  
CANOVA Mc KAUGHAN: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.CANOVA Mc KAUGHANDeceased  
Camera ShyPEARL Mc KELVEYWe need:
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BOB MC LAIN: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.BOB MC LAINSend a messageUpdate our files?
INA Mc MAHON: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.INA Mc MAHONDeceased  
RONALD Mc MILLAN: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.RONALD Mc MILLANWe need:
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Not availableDONALD E. MCCULLOUGHDeceased  
LOIS MEAD: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.LOIS MEADWe need:
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JEANETTE MELVILLE: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JEANETTE MELVILLEDeceased  
JACKIE MENDOSA: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JACKIE MENDOSADeceased  
MELVIN MIROTH: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.MELVIN MIROTHDeceased  
JAMES MOGAN: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JAMES MOGANDeceased  
SHIRLEY MOORE: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.SHIRLEY MOOREDeceased  
BARNEY MOZINGO: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.BARNEY MOZINGOWe need:
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CAMILLE MYERS: class of 1953, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.CAMILLE MYERSDeceased  
Last name starts with: A‏-‏B  C‏-‏D  E‏-‏G  H‏-‏K  L‏-‏M  N‏-‏R  S‏-‏T  U‏-‏Z   New yearHelp