Grant Class | Graduation Name | Contact Status | Update |
Picture | Class of 1940 (275) | Have 17 | Missing 58 |
| CHARLES LACHENOUR | We need: email | Add to our files |
| BURTON LANDON | Deceased | |
| PHYLLIS LANGSTAFF | We need: email Street address | Add to our files |
| BETTY LARSEN | We need: email | Add to our files |
| BETTY LAUGENOUR | Deceased | |
| JAMES LEMKE | Deceased | |
| JOSEPH LEVALLEY | Deceased | |
Not available | EDWARD C. LEWIS | Deceased | |
| WILBUR LINCOLN | Deceased | |
| JERRY LINN | Deceased | |
| WILLIAM L. LINN | Deceased | |
| ADELINE LO FORTE | Deceased | |
| WALTER LOCKHOOF | Deceased | |
| JEAN LOCKMAN | Deceased | |
| WARREN LOCKMAN | Deceased | |
| JOSEPH LOFORTE | Deceased | |
| WARREN LONG | Deceased | |
Not available | ROBERT MABRY | Deceased | |
| RICHARD MANSFIELD | Deceased | |
| FRED MARVELLI | Deceased | |
| GEORGE MAYEDA | Deceased | |
| JAMES Mc ADOO | Deceased | |
| LUCILLE MC FARLANE | We need: email | Add to our files |
| LUCIUS MC GILL | Deceased | |
| EDNA MC QUEEN | Deceased | |
| ANNAMAE MC RAE | We need: email Street address | Add to our files |
| WILLIAM MEARN | We need: email Street address | Add to our files |
| VIOLA MEYER | Deceased | |
| MARY MICHIE | Deceased | |
| FRANK MILLER | We need: email Street address | Add to our files |
| MARTIN MILLER | Deceased | |
| LORENA MILLS | We need: email Street address | Add to our files |
| JACK MITCHELL | Deceased | |
| PATRICIA MITCHELL | We need: email Street address | Add to our files |
| JOHN MODE | Deceased | |
| HARVEY MUDGETT | Deceased | |
| CLARENCE MURRAY | Deceased | |
| MILDRED MURRAY | Deceased | |
| ROBERT MYERS | Deceased | |