Grant Class | Graduation Name | Contact Status | Update |
Picture | Class of 1938 (192) | Have 17 | Missing 45 |
| CONSTANCE HACK | Deceased | |
| MARJORIE HALLETT | Deceased | |
| HARRY WARD HARRIS | We need: email Street address | Add to our files |
| AILEEN HAYEN | Deceased | |
Camera Shy | LILLIAN HAYER | We need: email Street address | Add to our files |
| ELAINE HELIN | We need: email | Add to our files |
| ELMER HERMAN | We need: email Street address | Add to our files |
| PATRICIA HICOK | Removed by Request | |
| VIRGIL HILL | Deceased | |
| ROBERT HODEL | Deceased | |
| ALMA HOLCOMBE | Deceased | |
| ADELINE HOLFORD | Deceased | |
| HENRY HOLSINGER | Deceased | |
| ROBERT HUCKABY | Deceased | |
| HIRAM HUFFMAN | Deceased | |
| HARLAND HUIT | Deceased | |
| VERA HURT | Deceased | |
| LUIS JIMENEZ | Deceased | |
| MARJORIE JOHNSON | Deceased | |
| MARY JOHNSON | Deceased | |
| JOHN JONES | Deceased | |
| MURRAY KELLEY | Deceased | |
| EVA KERTH | We need: email Street address | Add to our files |
| KENNETH KESTER | Deceased | |
| LAVERN KIEFER | Deceased | |
| HELEN KOONS | Deceased | |