Grant Class | Graduation Name | Contact Status | Update |
Picture | Class of 1934 (108) | Have 4 | Missing 12 |
| PEBBLE LAMM | Deceased | |
| GERALD LAZIER | Deceased | |
| RALPH LEHMAN | Deceased | |
| KENNETH LOCKMAN | We need: email | Add to our files |
| DOROTHY MACGILL | Deceased | |
| BETHEL MACHADO | Deceased | |
| BERNYCE MADSEN | Deceased | |
| DOROTHY MANNING | Deceased | |
| WARREN MARTIN | Deceased | |
| THOMAS MC DOLE | Deceased | |
| RALPH Mc DONALD | We need: email Street address | Add to our files |
| RUSSELL Mc INTOSH | Deceased | |
| LAURA MODE | Deceased | |
| DONALD MURCHISON | Deceased | |
| HELEN MYERS | Deceased | |